World Of Love
Love in its essence is spiritual fire – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Love is Passion
Love is Bold
Love is courage
Love is strength
Above all
Love is friendship
Love is understanding
Love is caring
Love is softness
Love is sharing
Love is patience
Love is peace
Love is responsibility
Love is being together
Where our opinions aren’t judged
Where our views are respected
Where our beliefs are considered
Where our thoughts can be bared
Where our feelings can be disclosed
Where our spirits are uplifted
Where there is no fear
Where there is freedom
Love thrives
Love is something that survives
All the distractions and attractions
In between the journey of our lives
Those that are there in the outer world
And, still, be together connected to
Each other with our
Hearts, Minds, Souls
In our inner worlds
Love is kind of being naked in every sense
Welcome to World Of Love
Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti