Vedic Love Song (Atharva Veda 6.8)

Vedic Love Song: In Sanskrit
yathā vṛkṣaṃ libujā samantaṃ pariṣasvaje
evā pari ṣvajasva māṃ
yathā māṃ kāminyaso
yathā mannāpagā asaḥ
yathā suparṇaḥ prapatan pakṣau nihanti bhūmyām
evā ni hanmi te mano
yathā māṃ kāminyaso
yathā mannāpagā asaḥ
yatheme dyāvāpṛthivī sadyaḥ paryeti sūryaḥ
evā paryemi te mano
yathā māṃ kāminyaso
yathā mannāpagā asaḥ
Vedic Love Song: Meaning in English
Embrace me completely
just as a creeper completely embraces a tree
May you be the one loving me only, not another
may you not go away from me
With my mind I attract you
just as a bird on the ground beats its wings to go up
May you be the one loving me only, not another
may you not go away from me
I go around your mind
just as the heaven and earth goes around the sun (light)
May you be the one loving me only, not another
may you not go away from me
Source: Vedic Love Song in Sanskrit (As described in Atharva Veda 6.8)
Vedic Love Song: Sanskrit Script
यथा वृक्षं लिबुजा समन्तं परिषस्वजे
एवा परि ष्वजस्व मां
यथा मां कामिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः
यथा सुपर्णः प्रपतन् पक्षौ निहन्ति भूम्याम्
एवा नि हन्मि ते मनो
यथा मां कामिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः
यथेमे द्यावापृथिवी सद्यः पर्येति सूर्यः
एवा पर्येमि ते मनो
यथा मां कामिन्यसो
यथा मन्नापगा असः
Source: Vedic Love Song in Sanskrit (As described in Atharva Veda 6.8)