(On a war zone one soulmate is searching for the other soulmate)
Oh sweetheart I keep searching
And, searching and searching
Day and night, all over
Running from here to there
Running from there to here
Running, round, and round
I feel you are somewhere around
I feel you are in my heart, beating
But I cannot see you, anywhere
With lots of pain in my heart
I am searching, searching
Oh sweetheart, just call my name
My heart is going mad in this chaos
Sweetheart, you know I cannot be
Without you on this earth…
We made so many plans together
Though we belong to different countries
We dreamed so many things together
And, promised we will never apart
Now, I am searching all alone in this
Debris filled land, for you all over
All I can hear is your heartbeat
From far, saying I am here sweetheart
And, I am running this way and that way
Swinging along with your heartbeat
As time is going by, my heart
Is beating faster and faster
Oh sweetheart I keep searching
And, searching and searching
Day and night, all over
Running from here to there
Running from there to here
Running, round, and round
In between these war sounds
In these rubbles of the war zone
Like someone who is gone mad
And, you know all I see is a red sky
All I can hear is your heartbeat
From far, saying I am here sweetheart
And, I am running this way and that way
Swinging along with your heartbeat
On a barefoot searching for you
In this debris-filled land, for you all over
Oh sweetheart I keep searching
And, searching and searching
Day and night, all over
Running from here to there
Running from there to here
Running, round, and round
I feel you are somewhere around
I feel you are in my heart, beating
Oh, sweetheart all I want is
To be in your arms that
Only belongs to me
And, cry, cry my heart out
And, ask the Almighty
Why, why, what wrong did we do?
To see this day in our lives
There are 7.8 billion people
But not one can stop this…
I cannot imagine how one person
Can do this to humanity…
I don’t know what is fair
What is not fair?
But all I want is,
To be with you, in your arms
And, live the life the Almighty
Have given to me as a gift
This life…that is only mine…
Oh sweetheart Tell me
Does anyone has the right to take
Our lives and hearts from us
That is given as a gift by this universe
Oh sweetheart, just call my name
My heart is going mad in this chaos
Sweetheart, you know I cannot be
Without you on this earth…
As time is going by, my heart
Is beating faster and faster
And, not able to run around
Searching for you sweetheart
On a barefoot, for you
In this debris-filled land, for you all over
My heart is losing hope…
I feel you are somewhere around
I feel you are in my heart, beating
But I cannot see you, anywhere
Oh sweetheart, just call my name
I’ll come running into your arms…
Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti