
Power of Prayer

Prayer is man’s greatest Power! – W. Clemont Stone

My nephew was shouting. With all his voice, I do not want to come to the temple. I tried to ignore him for a while. Since, I was getting ready. After a while, he was begging. Please, I do not want to come to temple. I softly said. Okay, I am not forcing you. However, I am going. Since nobody is at home you have to accompany me for the temple. I cannot leave you alone. He pouted his mouth. I smiled back.

I asked him if you answer me few questions, I’ll drop you at your friend’s house, so that I can go to the temple. Immediately, his face charged up. From, pouting to smiling. He was ready for my questions. I asked him, why do we go to park or a playground?  He said casually, to play.

Then I asked him, why do we go to restaurant? He said to eat. Then I asked him, why do we go to movies? He said, to watch movies. I could sense his impatience. He was like why are you asking such silly questions. Then I asked him why people go to bar. He raised his eyebrows looking at me, he said to drink and have fun.

By now, he lost his cool.  He raised his voice a little and asked are you going to drop me at my friends place or not?

I started to talk. Can’t we do all these playing, eating, watching movies or drinking at home? We can do. However, to get that special feeling and to feel that surrounding ambiance we go to certain places.

Suddenly, he said I do not believe in God, because, I do not know, if God exists or not. I said, well neither I do believe in God nor did I see God. I continued, we do not go or visit temple because of God or to see God. He said, then? I visit temple to have some peace. It is a place different than home. It is a special place to get my inner peace. I go to temple to pure my mind and heart.

We can achieve this through different means. Sometimes some attain peace through the meditation. For some it might be through prayers and chanting. Sometimes, through meeting others and sometimes through learning from others. Sometimes listening and sometimes participating and engaging with the activities like congregations (example bhajan /choir). For that ultimate joy and infusion. So that we can rebound and refresh.

Hence, going to temple is not about God it is for our inner peace.  Like, you go to a special place to play, so that you can play with others. Like, you go to a restaurant to eat special food and to feel the surrounding ambiance. Like drinking in bar to have that extra special pleasure. Like, watching a movie in a theater, so that to get that special thrills inside. So all this gives certain satisfaction. It’s kind of happiness. Same way we go to temple to pray in search of peace and happiness to empower ourselves and to recharge, rejuvenate and restore.  

 As I was talking I locked the door and we silently walked towards the car.

2 thoughts on “Power of Prayer”

  1. It’s a nice thought and I like the way it shaped the conversation . Very well said. Hope u keep writing .

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