Blue Bird

Power of Memories: The Blue Bird

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The Blue Bird

My Blue Bird

The Blue Bird

Once upon a time there lived an endemic beautiful blue bird called Spix’s Macaw. The bird is also known as small blue Macaw. This blue bird was a Brazilian parrot.

This blue bird was discovered by a German naturalist Johan Baptist Ritter Von Spix in 1819. By the time the discovery was made it has become a rare blue bird. Now, ornithologist says that the bird is extinct in the wild.

Though, hope still persists for Spix’s, since the 60-80 percent population persists in captivity. However, it is extinct from the wild.

Now, this blue bird is a distinct memory to us and to the wild life.

The last known blue bird disappeared or seen in the wild was at the end of 2000.

The blue Spix’s macaw gained international popularity through the animated movie “Rio that was released in 2011. A charming parrot named blu travels thousands of miles in an attempt to save the blue bird species. 

Spix Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) is one of the eight species informed to have disappeared according to the new study report by BirdLife International.

According to this report five of the eight extinction species that took place is on the South American Continent and four of them are from Brazil.

Why? One of the leading causes for the Spix’s Macaw disappearance from its natural habitat was because of deforestation according to this report.

According to this study, for the first time extinction on the main land are outpacing those on islands.

The papers, lead author Butchart, BirdLife’s chief scientist says that usually 90% of bird extinction in recent centuries has been of species on islands.

However, their results confirm that there is an increase wave of extinction sweeping across the continents, due to deforestation, form trapping for wild life trade, from unsustainable agriculture and logging.

Blue Bird Macaw

If we don’t act now on bird wild life safety, all we will be having is only a distinct memory left with birds captured in our photographs.

Telling stories that once upon a time there lived a blue parrot or a green parrot.

We don’t want our bird stories to start with once upon a time.

Otherwise, we will be left with no choice but to write for our kids “once upon time there lived this beautiful bird, but now they are extinct due to human greed.    

This is an example of only one bird. There might be plenty that might be going extinct.

I’ll leave here for the readers for further probe on this blue bird as well the other bird species.   

You can head over here for further information on red list birds (thriving or barely thriving) and to support the bird life.

My Blue Bird

My Blue Bird

Every morning I sit near the window leaning on the sill

Holding a cup, slowly savoring every sip of my coffee  

Worshiping at the tranquil turquoise transparent blue sky

Relishing the serene still silent green trees all around

Revering every inch of the soft roaring inaudible landscape 

Gulping down the morning breath of garden fresh air

Eavesdropping to the distant birds each chirping,

And, every morning my eyes wait for this blue bird

Days back, one day this beautiful blue bird glided,

Fluttering its charming wings, twittering cryptically

Along with its velvety silk blue azure shade plumage

Sideways with soft sheen furry wool feathers woven  

On top with its olive jade colored crimpled crown

With those bright green emerald eyes beholding me

Landed on the window sill gazing cherubically, chirping    

In my mind I thought, oh what a beautiful blue bird

The enchanting blue bird charmed me, entrancing  

Dancing with the magnificence opulent feather plumes

The moment I saw, inside my heartfelt profound

Prolifically profound, as though I knew   

This blue bird since thousands and thousands of years

Instantly our eyes met and we became friends forever

Soon the blue bird became a morning friend of me

Now, every morning I wait for this blue bird

For its beaming sunny twittering radiant charm

For its kind friendly genial warm welcoming twitters

Though our languages were different

Our hearts understood every tweet said by each other

Now, I haven’t seen the blue bird from few days

On that day my eyes were probing passionately    

Waiting, watching at that window, wavering  

I’ve searched east, west, north south above in the sky

My heart was crying to see the blue bird

My mind was memorizing those mesmeric memories

Rewinding inside again and again of this blue bird

Longing deep down drooling to see the blue bird

I thought how I wish I want to see this blue bird

As my thoughts was reeling, rolling in my head

In a mist of sudden mystical magic allure

There I could see the blue bird, flying towards me

My smile came back on my face, zealously

I extended my hand as a warm welcome

The blue bird instantly hopped on to my arm

I took the blue bird closer, near to me

The blue bird gently pecked on my cheek

As though the blue bird missed me for years

Looking at me the blue bird was incessantly twittering

The blue bird was twittering and twittering

I was listening to every tweet of this blue bird

To me, every tweet of my blue bird was beautiful

Innately, I was happy that my blue bird was back

I ruffled its velvety luscious silk feathers lovingly

That day I named my beautiful blue bird, the blue pearl! 

And, since that day we remained devotedly divine on earth!


Blue Bird Sources: Bright Side, CNN, BirdLife International