
On A Blue Summer Night: The Power Of (Love)

On A Blue Summer Night:The Power of Love

On A Blue Summer Night

She switched off the lights an hour back.  She was there lying on the bed sometimes tossing this side and that side.

All she could hear was silence in that night. Not able to sleep and still thinking past midnight. Her memories were rolling in her head.

Laying there she gazed into the window. That was kept open in the evening earlier. Lite summer breeze is rasping through the window.

She could see the dark blue sky with shining scintillating stars along with the brightly lit beautiful blue full moon. The silhouettes of mountains were slightly carpeted with a blue light.

On A Blue Summer Night Blue Sky

She thought to herself what a magnificent blue summer night. She intently gazed at the beautiful full blue moon.

Suddenly she startled. She could hear a voice. Scarily she turned around and looked all around in her dark room.

There is no one. Again, she heard the voice.

This time she could hear someone saying from far, hello, here…. I am blue moon up in the sky.

Blue Summer Night Blue Moon

The blue moon continued…you seem to be sad on this beautiful blue summer night.

She answered back saying, yes…because I am missing my blue pearl.

Moon: Aha!…..may I ask who is this blue pearl?

She said…pouting. My blue pearl is nearest and dearest one to me…I met my blue pearl almost two years back. But I could not meet my blue pearl until now.

Moon: Oho!…you met your blue pearl but could not meet your blue pearl…confused here..

She said…you know….my blue pearl is beyond these seven oceans…on the other side of the planet…we humans need some proper papers (visa) to go around the globe and also because of this Covid-19…Hmm…I guess you don’t understand all these….

Moon: Mmm….I do understand…you know I keep watching…humans have completely meshed up themselves and messed up the earth totally that is gifted to them. What a shame.

Blue Summer Night Globe

Moon: hey, hey… I can see tears in your eyes…please don’t cry. Let me see if I can help you…

She: You will help me..?

Moon: Yes…I will try…

Moon: Now….what is your Blue Pearl’s address?

She said…. Blue Pearl #2583

                   Street name: Blue Street

                   City: Blue City

                  State: Blue Ocean – 732757

                  Country: Blue Allure

Moon: Oh..ok…got it. Do you want me to say any message to your blue pearl?

She: Ho!…Yes….tell my beautiful blue pearl that my peace lies where my blue pearl is …

Moon: Ha..ok.. Anything else…

She abruptly jolted and woke up from her sleep to the loud beep from her phone. She thought to herself that was little weird….She looked at the wall clock. It is 9:00 AM.

The room was brightly lit up with sun’s rays that are seeping through the open window.

Blue Summer Night Morning Sun

She thought to herself…Umm….gosh…. how could I sleep like a log? …She slowly took the phone in her hands and went through the messages… her heart pumped up to see that one message.

Message: Hey, I am thinking of planning to visit your country. Right now….I am filling up the app. Will let you know the further plan.  Love…

She was super excited to see the message. She just jumped from the bed and ran towards the window. 

There was this crystal clear blue morning sky with touch of white clouds.

Though she could not see the blue moon, she knew that the moon is covered under the sun’s rays.

She closed her eyes and with all her heart she thanked the blue moon.

She gave a flying kiss in the air….and shouted… love you…blue moon.

Blue Summer Night Morning Clouds

She looked at that message she received countless times on that day with a gentle smile on her face …

She replied back saying…, I will wait for you…   🙂 Love You…

She thought to herself that this is the approval and blessings she received from the universe…

While her days went on happily waiting…for that day to come by….

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