If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” — Walt Disney
Great quote from Walt Disney. For Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Group), this is one of the top ten favorite quotes on dreams. (Source: http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/my-top-10-quotes-on-dreams).
If you can dream it, you can do it. When you dream, things can happen. You can influence intrinsically or extrinsically. Sometimes it is through both. Through influence, people can be energized, inspired and motivated.
Great leaders connect. When the leader connects, it touches their (people’s) hearts. People get influenced. They can move mountains of masses. Massive masses follow them.
When the connection touches their heart people are energized, inspired and motivated.
This is not something new, influencing through connecting.
History proved again and again with great leaders that made a difference through connection.
These might have been great individual leaders or business founders or businesses that made a difference on the globe. Because of them, it is never the same again.
How do you connect?
Make your dream their (people’s) dream. Go beyond their imagination. If that matches/connects with the heart(s) you are a leader.
Line it, though the dream is yours it is not for you it is for them. Let the choice be theirs (people’s) to connect or not to.
A dream is a wish your heart makes — Walt Disney, Sleeping beauty
Some of the leaders who influenced with their dreams
Mahatma Gandhi (his dream, to achieve freedom through peace)
Martin Luther King Jr. (his dream, to achieve equality)
Nelson Mandela (his dream, to achieve freedom)
And, many more……..great leaders, business founders, businesses and many more….
Empower yourself with beautiful dreams.