
That sweet song only you can hear….

You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear – Oscar Wilde

Love is beautiful emotion.

When you can hear that sweet melody (song) that rings in your heart, it has an intense feeling.

That has indescribable energy.  That makes you intoxicating.

It is so powerful. Everything is possible.

You are in a state of dream. You are never the same again in your life.

You are transported. You are transformed.

More Quotes On Love:

Mahatma Gandhi


Jiddu Krishnamurthi

Hellen Keller

Stories On Love:

On A Blue Summer Night: The Power of (Love)

Power of Chance

Power Of Pearls: 6 beautiful Quotes on Pearls

Power of Memories: The Blue Bird