
October….My Sweet October

September went by and October came by

Outside the colors are changing by

While all over, those colorful leaves are falling by

I opened the door to look at that beautiful scenery

A fresh cool breeze blew by my face

As I closed my eyes, divinely

Slowly step by step in a mesmeric trance

I stepped on to the leaves that were all over

Those precious little leaves made a breaking

Rustling sound right under beneath my bare foot

I looked at those leaves and unconsciously in my mind I felt sorry

Looking at those colored beautiful semi brown parched leaves

Whisperingly I blurted out… sorry… I am so sorry….

Somewhere in between the soft winds that was blowing on my face

 I heard a muffled voice, saying

That’s ok…you are all earths’ Angels

You can go ahead stand on me, you can stamp on me

I am all yours, like a mother I love you all

I mumbled back with a broken heart in that silence, I love you too…. 



Slowly I took my breath and started to enjoy every breadth

Looking at this breath taking beautiful October leaves

I enjoyed the crunchy colored October’s fall leaves all over

Those are all around, all around the ground, up in the sky

All the trees, dressed up in green, yellow, red, purple, magenta

I could not think of any words that could describe this awesomeness

Thought the words are so limited to describe such an indescribable beauty

As I walked through my simple white long skirt and orange frilly flaring top

Feeling like a fiery, slowly stepping on that colored

Carpet of rustled brown burnt beautiful leaves

 While walking under the turquoise pleasant morning blue sky

While the sneaking sun rays witnessing and blessing me from far above

While those wild trees standing and watching me with all those beautiful leaves

While the wheezing sounds of the leaves sounded as someone clapping from far

While the wild wind whirling through all over my skin kissing me

While the wavering blue stream of water welcoming me

 Standing there on that small wooden bridge, feeling like a podium 

For a while I thought, Ah, isn’t this October walk more treasured than a red carpet walk?

For a while my heart transformed into tremendous deep happiness

As I looked up, the white clouds are floating through blue sky, as if waving at me

Suddenly, I thought what is the day today?

One hand on my head I thought, ho my…ho my,

How can I forget this day…

I realized that I walked all along with my bare foot holding nothing in my hands

I rushed back towards the home briskly as fast as I can

Gasping for air I swiftly, took the cell phone into my hands

And, typed the message….Happy Birthday charm

Along with a smiley, candles, cake and balloon images

In a whiff of a second immediately I received a message, Thank you… Angel

I replied back with a smiley image saying have fun

Sure… came the reply with a smiley

I went and stood at the mirror, looked at myself, the word Angel reverberated in my ears

I smiled to myself looking at various angles of glowing face of mine in the mirror

Not that someone has to validate how I look

But if someone that is very special to us says something special that becomes extraordinarily special

I thought to myself, that one word is enough for all the season to go by and years to stand by

Standing there I looked outside through the glass windows

This time the October fall colors looked even more contrasting to my eyes,

More stunning, more striking, more spectacular 

I wanted to hug that whole beauty in my hands

I thought to myself, October….my sweet October

You are so special in many ways in my life…


Not that someone has to validate how I look. But if someone that is very special to us says something special that becomes extraordinarily special


2 thoughts on “October….My Sweet October”

  1. I am with you on your sentimental and beautiful journey of life. Nicely written for a minute I forgot the whole world I could only see and feel the colors and air.

    1. Thank you Shasi. Sure, those colors in this fall season are incredibly beautiful on this earth. That arouses an allure of happiness in us. Again and again reminding that how enchanting is this earth. 🙂

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