
Morning Twilight

Morning Twilight

On this Summer Morning

In this silent summer morning

I woke up too early

I said to myself Good Morning

I looked outside the window

Still, the darkness was filled all over

I could feel the aroma of the fresh flowers

Flowing inside through the window 

Intoxicated I felt like a fresh flower 

I bathed in that fragrance filled morning 

I took a deep breath

I stepped out of the house

I thought to myself this is my Morning

My heart said that you own this Morning

As the cool fresh breeze kissed my cheeks

I felt like I stepped into heaven

My heart danced to this mesmerizing feeling

As I was walking in this silence filled morning

I could hear my own foot anklet bell sounds

In a slow rhythm to each step, I am taking

As I was walking, the exquisite celestial Night-Jasmine 

Flowers lay on my path welcoming me 

I carefully walked not to hurt and stamp on them

Because they say that those are precious divine 

Flowers brought from heaven for the humans

In this morning twilight pleasure mirth 

I looked at the flowers on the trees

All those flower buds are waiting 

For the radiant Sun to arrive

So that they can bloom heartily 

And, my heart filled with this morning’s happiness

As if the Manmadha (God of Love) arrow

Pierced through my heart 

And, I fell in love with this playful morning

And, with more morning zest I walked, I walked

In that morning twilight dark mist

Smiling, I walked hand in hand with this morning

Holding tightly to this morning

As if I am in love with this morning

As I walked, I thanked and bowed joining my two hands 

With all my heart to this Universe 

For this beautiful Morning

On this Earth Day

As I walked, I thought to myself 

Is there any price tag for this celestial happiness?

Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Note: Night – Jasmine (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis), flowers blooms in the night and flowers fall off the tree early morning forming a bed of flowers all around.


The day is Earth Day. That means to know the value of the Earth. Admire the Earth and our surroundings we live in. Never said stop multiplanetary exploration nor experimentation.

Example, we remember someone on their birthday. Example, we praise and talk about Shakespeare on his Birthday. That doesn’t mean we don’t value rest of the scholars or poets.

The point here is to understand.    
