Long Distance Conversation – Part 5
Him: Hey
Her: Hey
Him: Ah…how is my Kuchi…Kuchi today? What was that about yesterday though?
Her: Haha…today I am happy….and today my heart is rocking like a rocket….
Him: Haha…Good. So are you out of those silly thoughts…
Her: Umm…hey sorry…I woke you up at that time in the night…
Him: Kuchi…Kuchi…if you throw a bucket of cold water in this Siberia at that time… I am sure…I won’t mind it…you know…anything for you…
Her: Aha…that is so romantic…But you know…Nah….I will never throw cold water on you in that Siberia cold at that time of the night… (Pouted)
(Though there might be benefits of taking cold showers, I am not talking about cold shower benefits here…) 🙂
Him: Why?
Her: Oh…common you know the answer….
Him: Off course…I know…baby…the point is…I want to hear from your voice…..
Her: Hmm……why would I want to throw cold water on my cool baby…you know I don’t want even a small fly to land on you….I’ll guard you totally…I’ll make sure you are safe from that fly…
Him: Haha…how romantic…hmm…a step ahead than me always….
Her: You know…i don’t know about you…but I am telling the truth…
Him: Kuchi…Kuchi…I know….your heart is gold…talking to you half an hour is enough for me…to dope up for the whole day….and for life… you are the sweetest devil on this earth…
Her: Haha…I am…swaying here…you know…your smile is like a spell….your voice…everything has …some kind of intoxication effect on me…Ah…you are my dope and I am your dope…finally we found each other…Thank God…we don’t need any real dope…
Him: Hmm…again…you are always a step ahead of me Kuchi…Kuchi…
Her: That is because you allow me to be me….….you know… it is all your influence….haha
Him: Aha… you always credit me for that charm of yours…
Her: That is because… if I talk like this to others the way I talk to you …they think that I am some crazy (weird) woman…. whereas you say “I like your craziness (weirdness)….” You know that I usually don’t open my mouth….
Him: Kuchi…Kuchi…
Her: Umm….what?
Him: (Silence).
Her: Oh…say something…
Her: Hey…which summer night do you want me to take you? Is it Indian summer or USA summer or Australian summer? Select one….
Him: Hmm….you tell me which one?
Her: Ah…smart…I have equal nostalgia in all those 3 country summers…now you pick…
Him: Ok…Indian summer…
Her: Are you sure?…because you don’t know much about Indian summers….
Him: That is the reason I want to know more about Indian summers…
Her: Ok….close your eyes…now slowly come out of that Siberia….now you are in India…imagine this on a summer night in India, one-floor rooftop, hold my hand….
Moon lit blue night sky
The Universe, The Galaxy
This Earth, This Sky
This Night, This Moon
In this profound silence of the night
Under these scintillating stars,
In between these teasing winds
In this crisp moonlit night
Under the shade of Jasmine canopy
All we can hear is our heartbeats
Surrounded by shining rose bushes
With all the flowers blessing us
The Champaks, The Champas, The Chameli’s
The Mari Golds, The Dahlias, The Hibiscuses
The Bougainvillea, The Pansies, The Lilies
While the aroma of all those flowers encircling us
Under these scintillating stars,
In between these teasing winds
In this crisp moonlit night
And, When all trees are witnessing us
The Mangos, The Neems, The Sapodillas
The papayas, The Guavas, The promo granites
The Coconut, The Bananas, The Gulmohar
While all we can hear is our own silences
When our hearts are singing
Tuning to the same tunes
When our eyes are talking in silence
Under this summer universe
While we are lost in our own world…
Under this moonlit blue night sky….
copyrights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti
Him: Hey…nice dream. Kuchi..Kuchi Sometimes I think about what I am doing in this Siberia. Sometimes I think that I am not doing justice to you…Sometimes I think what is this I am doing? Is it right or wrong?
Her: Hey…Just shut up…lo I took to our dreamland and instead of enjoying the moment you went into deep thoughts…
I told a number of times that you do what you like to do. Otherwise, you decide. I am not going to take a decision for you.
Him: Whoa, sometimes you are stern. I don’t know kuchi..Kuchi…I am sometimes worried about you. I keep going places…you know you have a lot of patience….
Her: Umm…so tell me what we can do about this?
Him: I don’t have an answer….(silence). Your laugh lingers in my ears all the time.
Her: Ok…from tomorrow I’ll stop laughing…if it is bothering you so much…you know…anything for you…
Him: hey… I did not say that…
Her: You know…I am thinking to look for a new job ….
Him: Umm…ok
Her: Kuchi..Kuchi.. cheer…up…you want to dance…if you want I’ll take to you your dancing den…this time in Siberia…
Him: Haha…Kuchi..Kuchi…
Her: Oh…baby… be happy. We got only one life….now I got to go….Take care…
Him: Ok…Love you…