
A Long Distance Conversation

Long Distance Conversation Part – 4

Her: Hey

Him: Hey, what is it Kuchi..Kuchi…why did you call at this time of the night? Is everything fine…

Her: Yes…but I wanted to talk to you…I understand it is late in the night for you…

Him: Hmm…it’s…ok…tell me…

Her: (Silence)

Him: Hey…Kuchi…Kuchi…missing me….

Her: No…it’s not about that…

Him: What is it about?

Her: Tell me did I hurt you anytime…did you feel bad about something I said….?

Him: Woah, Kuchi…Kuchi…I know you love me….if you have said something also I won’t be taking it seriously…sometimes I think it over…why you said what you said…I also know that intentionally you will never hurt me… what happened…you are asking me waking up at this time…of night…

Her: it is just that…I thought that I said something that might have hurt you….(pouted)

Him: Haha…silly girl…we might have a number of things that might not match our thoughts or in perception…but that’s ok…if everyone starts thinking similarly we will lose our uniqueness…you know what…having differences but living as one and loving each other is what matters….

Her: Umm…

Him: Hey…now…go to sleep….will talk to you tomorrow….remember this…we are a team…we will have differences…but still we will work towards our dreams…I’ll never judge you on anything…

Her: Umm…I have written something on this…shall I send it over…

Him: Hmm…sure send me Kuchi..Kuchi..…now sleep tight…no more silly thoughts…

Her: Love you…

To understand others

My views on something’s

Might be different than yours 

On various things in nature

My perception of something’s

Might differ from yours

My thoughts on something’s

Might not align with yours

I may laugh at something’s

That you may not think funny

Sometimes we might choose something’s

That might be different things in life

Like you might like to lean towards red

And, I might like to lean towards blue

In doing so I might be wrong sometimes

In doing so you might be wrong sometimes

But please don’t judge me for who I am…

Because I will never stop loving you

For the choices I make…

Or for the choices you make…


It is not seeing Eye to Eye

But, it is hearing Ear to Ear

And, understanding Heart to Heart

Is what matters

To understand others

And, to love others….

And lastly, Love is not

Love today and leave tomorrow…

We need trust…

Copyrights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti