
A Long Distance Conversation

Long Distance Conversation – Part 3

Him: Hey…what are you doing?

Her: Can you guess…what I am doing?

Him: Hmm…I know…you are listening to your language songs and dancing….

Her: wow…that was super guessed…how did you know?

Him: Common…Kuchi Kuchi…I can recognize by your voice all your moves, moods…and timings

Her: Hmmm…that is creepy….

Him: No…that means I think about you too much ….

Her: (Smiles…)

Him: You know….sometimes…I am jealous of you…

Her: why?

Him: You enjoy three languages songs….you can watch so many movies than me, you can read so many books than me, you can cook a variety of foods….and much more….Ah…that is too much to put into our tiny brains…

Her: haha…you know my country houses 1652 mother tongues …. In that 22 major languages are recognized by the Indian constitution (that has script)….based on a considerable volume of writings….and that means each state has its own language…..

Him: Yeah…I know…you have so many languages but unfortunately, only a few people can understand the traffic signals…..

Her: haha…. You…you caught me on that ….

Her: Ok…tell me now…my country is one of the oldest Indus valley civilizations that date back to at least 5000 years …compared to yours…Bring it on baby you want to fight…

Him: Hey…Kuchi…Kuchi…you know… I love you….that means I love your country too…I love your people too…so I don’t want to fight about countries…..

Her: woo…I am jumping….you know I want to hug you so tightly….so tightly…..

Him: wow…I wish I was there…

Her: haha…So what’s up with Siberia…are you having fun over there?

Him: Hmm….the current temperature in Oimyakon is degree -34° F and Yakutsk city temperature is  -31°F….

Her: Aww….Good.

Him: Seems like you are happy that I am here …. You know I can sense it…

Her: haha…I know you are jealous now…that I am enjoying here ….

Him: Baby…I miss you…

Her: Oh…you are saying as if I made you go there …that was your choice…. Yes…I miss you too…You tell me…what other choice I have…except to enjoy this crazy soulless soloness….more 4 weeks to go…you know…you don’t understand….(pouted)

Him: Hey…baby….only 30 days….

Her: Who knows…they might extend further too… (pouted)

Him: Hmm…

Her: You know…I miss your smile so much that I have written some words on your smile….

Him: Baby…you are sometimes crazy….(smiles)…go on read it…


One and the only one unique smile

You know I tried to hush, hush

My heart countless times

Not to go ga…ga…ga…over your smile

But, from here I cannot stop hailing

And, my heart is not halting for a second 

Constantly humming about your smile…

Going on humming that, your smile is

 Is an unbeatable priceless exemplary

That it is an unmatched valued piece of art

That it is an unrivaled prize of treasure

That it is an unequaled precious pearl

The one and the only one unique smile

Inscribed by the Almighty on this earth

The one and the only one only to you…

Oh, Baby,

You know I tried to hush, hush

My heart countless times

Not to go ga…ga…ga…over your smile

But, from here I cannot stop hailing

And, my heart is not halting for a second 

Constantly humming about your smile…

And, my heart is not halting for a second 

Constantly humming about your smile…

And, it is going ga..ga…ga…..

Again and again over your smile….

Again and again over your smile…

On the one and the only one unique smile

Inscribed by the Almighty on this earth

The one and the only one only to you…

Copyrights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Him: Oh…Kuchi..Kuchi…….I truly miss you…is there anyone on this earth who thinks about my smile so much….That’s nice…Thank you.

Her: Umm….

Him: Hey…if we continue to talk like this we end up crying…why don’t…we catch up later …..

Her: Umm…ok…(with sadness)

Him: Talk to you soon….Take care…my Kuchi…Kuchi….

Her: You too ….

Note: This is a Fictional Conversation.