
A Log Distance Conversation

Long Distance Conversation – Part 6

Him: Hey

Her: Hey

Him: So what’s up with you?

Her: Just going on….(smile)

Him: Hmm….how did your interview go?

Her: Hmm…don’t ask about it…

Him: Why…you sound so low…what happened to my Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: You know…I am always not good at these interviews….

Him: Hmm…. I do not want you to go through all this…

Her: Umm…those are hard on me….If they say it is an interview…that’s it…my mind shuts and my mouth shuts not a word falls out from my mouth…

Instead, they should have asked me to dance…for a nice beat…I would have happily danced out….haha

Him: Haha…my Kuchi..Kuchi…you are more qualified than me…you have a stack of degrees… a pile of certifications…loads of experiences and various interests…you know, sometimes I cannot catch up with you…still you struggle with those interviews…

Her: Hmm… I don’t know…I don’t have so pleasant experiences with these interviews….I don’t know I cannot/don’t want to fight with the system…but I am sure…there might be a lot of weirdoes like me out there…and organizations are missing out…you know…

Him: Hmm…(smile)

Her: You tell me what is going on with you?

Him: Same old…nothing much…

Her: Today is Saturday night and you are not going anywhere?

Him: Nope…not interested anymore in all that…especially when I got a girl like you…

Her: haha..ok…that is a bit too much…now…shall we go to a Dancing Den…

Him: haha..Kuchi..Kuchi…whatever you say… 

Her: Hey…get ready…Let’s set goo…

a place called our heaven

One day on a Saturday night

On a dark frosty freezing day 

You walked into the Den

Our eyes met

And, something stirred

You smiled

I smiled back

You said, hey, can I buy you a drink?

I said, No…I don’t drink…

You looked at me

With your perplexed eyes

And, Confused…

But those eyes’ said it all

Then, why on earth you are here?

I looked at you in awe

Our eyes met

And, I went on to dance…


In this crowded Den

All I can see is you

You are sitting so far

And, I am dancing here

I can feel your eyes all over me

Beneath the flashing lights

And, music playing at the highest

I felt your eyes all over me

Oh baby…Oh baby…

I can see it, I can see it, from here

That your eyes are

Seek socking, Seek socking

Aha…I can sense it…baby

 Oh baby…Oh baby…

I can hear it, I can hear it, from here

That your heart is

Tick tocking, Tick tocking

Aha..I can hear it…baby

Oh baby…Oh baby…

I can feel it, I can feel it, from here

That your mind is

Ding donging, Ding donging

Aha…I can read it…baby

And, you know baby

I can hear those breathless

Heartbeats in this crowded place

I can sense those senseless

Thoughts in this crowded place

And, you know baby

And, you know baby…baby

To tell the truth

Even my eyes are teasing  

Peep poking, Peep poking

For you in this crowded place  

Even my heart is flirtatious

Sing songing, Sing songing

For you in this crowded place

And, even my mind is playful  

Ming monging, Ming monging

For you in this crowded place

And, what are we waiting for?

Oh baby…Oh baby…

And, what are we waiting for?

Oh baby…Oh baby…

Because you know the time is moving….

Because you know the time is moving….

Common let us walkout

From this crowded place

Hand in hand…

To a place called our heaven…(home)

 Oh baby…Oh baby…

Common let us walk out from here

From this crowded place

Hand in hand…

To a place called our heaven…(home)

To a place called our heaven…(home)

Copyrights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Him: wow…nice..Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: Mmm…

Him: Hey…why are you teary?

Him: What happened to you today…you are not my usual Kuchi…kuchi…

Her: Mmm…

Him: Hey…tell me something is bothering you?

Her: (Silence)

Him: Hey…Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: Nothing…

Him: Kcuhi..Kuchi…if your answer is nothing..that means there is something…

Her: Don’t tell me this thing and that thing …

Him: Hey…Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: …don’t talk…(pouted). I am missing you…everyone says…I have to be strong…but I am not strong…tell me is it wrong to be weak? You know…It is not easy for me to come over there. I cannot just fly. I need documents (visa). Why don’t you come home…? The truth is I cannot be…anymore…I don’t feel like writing anymore…It is hurting….

Him: Hmm…Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: Mmm…unable to talk anymore….will talk later…

Him: Hey..Kuchi…Kuchi…

Her: …..