
Desert Mist

Desert Mist

Him: Hey…

Her: (No answer)

Him: Hey…I am talking to you. What…are you angry on me?

Her: Right now…I feel like I am in a desert…

Him: Haha…why? Why are you so heated (angry) up…

Her: Because of you…

Him: Hmm…now…what did I say? Or what did I do?

Her: As if you don’t know…you did not even call me whole day…

Empower Now Blog – Desert Mist – Suparna Guddanti

Him: What…I really don’t know what I said or did. By the way I called you twice today. Your phone is switched off…

Her: You know…I was angry on you. So, I switched it off…

Him: Lo…then it is not my fault. You know you have to keep the communication lines open. Otherwise, how we are going to solve our problems…

Her: I was so mad…so mad…I just switched it off…

Him: Hey…look, I might have said something or did something knowingly or unknowingly. 

I don’t know to talk like you in a flowery language like “I feel like I am in desert or like I am on cloud nine”. But one thing I can tell you is…you are always on my mind…always…

I understand that doesn’t mean I can say anything. And, you know I am not perfect…I also know that you are not perfect…

Now…I don’t know what I said or did…but I am sorry. You want me to bake for you something for the evening?

Her: Now…you will mess up the whole kitchen… (pouted)

Him: Haha…you are something…you tell me what you want me to do?

Her: Hmm…ok you do the baking. I will clean the kitchen…

Him: Hmm…at last. Now…tell me why did you get angry?

Her: Never mind…Maybe I was viewing something that is micro but in a macro level. sometimes you know…may be because of my hormone levels my vibes go up and down…a little…I know you will understand on that part…  

Him: Hmm…now you want to blame on your hormones?

Her: Hey…I am not perfect. Definitely, you know sometimes my hormones do play a role…and it takes a while to understand why I am acting or reacting in a way on certain silly things around me…you know that self awareness…where we get the answer by ourselves…

Certainly, sometimes that internal and external environment all those plays a role on our thinking and how we act and react…on our near ones…

But you know…I love you…

Him: I know…you do. You know…I do too…

Her: Umm…I know… (smiling)