
Dazzling Darkness 

Under this beautiful night

With this special Moon

With these sparkling stars

Under these street lights

While these soft winds, whispering

In this dazzling darkness 

While, these two hearts

Under this amazing spell

Spell bound to each other

While, these two hearts, whispering

Singing soft songs

In each other’s hearts

Let us promise

Let us promise 

In this beautiful night

In this dazzling darkness 

Let our hearts beat

Let our hearts beat 

To the rhythm 

Of yours and mine

Forever on this earth…

When love is not madness it is not love. — Pedro Calderon de la Barca

🙏🕊️💗 Good night 💗🕊️🙏

Empower Now Blog - Dazzling Darkness - Night
Empower Now Blog – Dazzling Darkness

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