
A Conversation On The Ocean Front

A Conversation At the OceanFront

Her: Hi, can I sit here?

Him: Sure…

Her: She smiled at him.

Him: (There was no response.)

Her: If you don’t mind, can I talk…how is your Morning?

Him: I don’t mind. I am glad that you asked that question. Yeah, it is somewhat beautiful.

Her: Good that you are enjoying the morning. (With a big smile on her face). Can I give this Rose to you?

Him: Oh…sure. Thank you so much. You know no one showers so much love on a stranger. Can I ask you a question?

Her: Thank you for accepting the Rose. Yes, you can ask. Go ahead.

Him: Are you in love?

Her: haha…how could you find that secret?

Him: You know…I am old enough to know if someone is in love or not.

Her: Ah…these days many are asking me this question. Is it that obvious on my face?

Him: I can see that in your face, in that smile of yours in that oozing happiness.  

Her: Haha…yes I am in love. I am in love with this universe. Isn’t this universe so much beautiful? Look at the Sunrise. Those colors. This morning warmth. This blue Ocean. The Almighty has gifted us so much beauty. I simply want to kiss everything with my eyes.

Him: Hmm…I agree. But I see more than that in your smile. You are in love with a human.

Her: Haha… human. That is a funny way to say it. Maybe I am in love with a human…(smiling).

Him: Aha…see, I am right and I caught you…

Her: Hmm… (smiling)

Him: What are you doing here? You are not with that human?

Her: Haha…he is on the other side of the globe.

Him: Oh…you are on vacation here?

Her: No…he is there and I am here.

Him: Why?

Her: You know…he is busy day and night working for humanity.

Him: Hmm…don’t you miss him?

Her: I do…

Him: You know…I lost my wife 10 years back. I come daily walking to this Oceanfront. There are so many memories with her here. At every sunrise I see her. Now…I have a conversation with her sitting here. When she was alive I did not have time to talk to her. I am a scientist and was too busy.

I received so many awards. All the while she took care of me and the three children. More than me she knew that when I was hungry. Even with the children. I was a happy man then.

My presence in my family life was very less. But, she made them good citizens of this world. Today all of them are in different places. And, at 86 now, I am living all alone holding on to a few memories we shared.

When I go home there is emptiness everywhere. All I see is my awards.

Her: Hmm… I am sorry about it.

Him: That’s ok. Not complaining. Just saying how fast these days can fly away.

Her: Hmm…true.

Him: You tell me about your love…how much do you love him?

Her: Whoa, can anyone measure how much we love someone?

Him: Haha…ok, tell me what made you like him?

Her: Hmm…you know…there are just too many things to say about him (smiling). You might think I am crazy.

Him: Haha… people in love are usually crazy. I can understand that. Now tell me one thing that you like about him.  

Her:  Hmm…when I close my eyes all I can see is his smile.

For that smile…

That smile, That smile

I can walk miles

Miles and miles

I can fly, I can fly

Miles and miles

For that smile


It is like the Sun, Radiant


It is like the Moon, Cool


It is like the blue Sky, Pleasant


It is like the blue Ocean, Roaring

That smile, That smile

I can walk miles

Miles and miles

I can fly, I can fly

Miles and miles

For that smile

Maybe it is imperfect

For the rest of the world

But to me

It is the perfect smile

That Almighty gifted

To him

The truth is

That I cannot compare

That smile

With anything on this


That smile, That smile

I can walk miles

Miles and miles

I can fly, I can fly

Miles and miles

For that smile

If possible

I want to steal

That smile and store

Inside my heart

Forever, forever

That smile

Oh, that smile

I can walk miles

Miles and miles

I can fly, I can fly

Miles and miles

For that smile

It is my heart’s beat

It is my heart’s heaven

It is my heart’s peace

Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Him: Wow…seems like you like him so much.

Her: Umm…

Him: You know…you have to make memories to live by…

Her: Umm…thank you for the advice.

Him: Now…tell me why did you give me this rose?

Her: That is in memory of my Grandfather. It is his death anniversary today. I have so many memories of him. When I was small I used to go on park walks with him holding his hands. He used to tell me so many stories. He was a professor, college principal, poet and very principled man.  

I still remember the first book he asked me to read. When he handed it to me, I said, oh this book (The Story of My Experiments with Truth -Gandhi, two volumes combined) is too heavy for me to hold. And, I don’t have time to read with school and all. He laughed and said slowly read chapter by chapter.

I still feel that book’s impact for some reason. Though, I could not understand much at that time. I was still reading my comic books at that time (haha).  But that’s how my love affair with the books started.

But what you have said is right. We have to make memories. I have so many memories with my maternal Grandfather. An indescribable nostalgia lingers around. Those I want to share.

Him: Nice to hear about your Grandfather. And, thank you for the rose.

Her: You know if you need anything you can call me. Since you are staying all alone. If you need any help at this age. You can have my number.

Him: That’s so nice of you.

Her: See you sometime around. And, don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. Takecare.

Him: Sure. And, remember what I told you.

Her: Sure…        

Note: Culture in India is different. We give respect to older people.