
A Conversation On Conflicts

A Conversation On Conflicts

Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Interviewer: You know, you did great in every other test since from past one week of this interview process. This is just one last question to go.

When given an option which one will you chose from the below when working for a profit motive organization?

A. Results

B. Truth, values, character, sincerity

Interviewee: Hmm…can I choose both?

Interviewer: Hmm…that is choice based question. You have to choose one.

Interviewee: Hmm…then I will go with option B. Since, I stand for all those fundamentals.

Interviewer: Thank you for the answer. We will let you know the interview results through text, phone or email. Appreciate for all your patience from the past one week of this interview process.

Interviewee: Thank you. Appreciate it.

(After 2 weeks the interviewee received an email)

Dear XYZ,

Thank you for applying for a position in ABC. This time, we’ve decided not to take your application further.

I want to thank you for the time and effort you’ve spent on your application and in attending for the week long interview process through phone and in person.

At the same time we would strongly encourage you to check our job vacancies and apply again if you find one that is suitable.



(After Reading the email)

Interviewee: WHAT?

Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

At Home Conversation

Him: You know…I don’t feel like eating.

Her: Hmm…don’t disrespect your food. Why are you overthinking too much? I understand it is something a dream job for you. You wanted to work for. And, you did not get it. So…what? You know…I love you…it doesn’t matter to me…what matters to me is I want you to eat…

Him: You know…their mission and values statement says, they stand for truth, values, character, sincerity… that is the reason I don’t feel good in my stomach.

Her: Hmm… I agree those are utmost important. At the same time I think they are right in their selection process too. Don’t you think so…?

Him: What? What do you mean? You are ok if they earn by any means…

Her: off course …Not. But, this is how I see it. What I am trying to say is conflicts are everywhere in life. Tell me, can a profit motive organization survive without results? If the organization wants to grow it has to show the results.

Somewhere sometimes you have to cut the corner to survive in the competitive world. It might not be breaking the law. But still we might find it difficult to take a decision based on ethicality or morality.  For example, may be you have to poach (lure) someone who is working for other organization.

May be you have to have the oil from war zone country where you are standing on the truth side.  Agree, people might be dying on this side. But at the same time if you close your organization your country people might lose their jobs. So every morning so many conflicting situations arise where we have to make decisions.

If no results there are no organizations. If no organizations there is no work. If there is no work no purchasing power. If no purchasing power or disposable income no GDP.  In low GDP economy shrinks. If economy shrinks it goes into recession. You know…just saying…     

Always standing on truth or character or sincerity might not be a viable solution for organizations. Truth is sometimes is not simple. Sometimes reality is only a one side of perception. Is it not?

Him: Hmm…

Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Her: Let me give you an example,

A killed B. (This is the truth)

Why A killed B? Because B was harassing A daily. (This is reality). This is one side of the perception.

Why B was harassing A? (Might be having some issues: Might be a drug addict or environment B has grown up or B might have been abused by somebody etc..) (This is real life).

Why B became drug addict? (It might be the environment. It can be high social status or low social status or availability) (This is social situation)

These two are other side of perception.

So behind the simple truth there are so many stories. So truth is not simple sometimes.  

Him: Hmm…

Her: Hey…yay…it is raining outside. You know these are first rain drops falling for this season…

Him: So…?

Her: Let us go to the roof top to watch..please, I’ll make some masala roasted corn.   

Him: You know…you are a total kiddo…sometimes.

Her: Oh…is it? Until now I was thinking about you the same…

Him: haha…