
A Conversation

A Conversation

Her: Hey, say something…this silence is killing me. Feel like the whole world went silent. Hmm…agree that some part of the world is struggling…but so much silence from you…can’t take it anymore…

Him: Umm…

Her: Hey, you know I learned something new today…

Him: Umm…

Her: Looks like you are not interested to know…I don’t want to say something stupid to make you laugh today…because I understand this is not the time…you know the war is going on…

Him: Umm…

Her: You know, from now onwards even I will answer in Umm…, Hmm…, Mmm… (pouted)

Him: Umm…(Smiles)

Her: Hmm…you know …“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my heart where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” – Rumi

Him: Umm…nice…

Her: You know…”What you seek is seeking you.” – Rumi

Him: Hmm…Oh…my…I guess I better talk to you…  

Her: Umm…(smiles)…you bet!