
5 Guidelines to Validate (with 5 Functional Validations) before you Publish Public (business) Website.

We have founded or opened our business or a business already exists. For that the foremost requirement is to have a presence on the ubiquitous internet.  This is the basic and one of the most important requirements for any kind of businesses out there today.     Before we publish the business website or open for the …

5 Guidelines to Validate (with 5 Functional Validations) before you Publish Public (business) Website. Read More »


Power of Product Analysis

In India, there is a difference in the quality of healthcare provided between rural and urban areas as well as between public and private.

Why health insurance products are not able to penetrate the market as expected in India?


Power of Product Pricing

Providing your products with choices, options and freedom along with product price that might add value to the customers in the products you are providing.

Power of Managing Data:

SME and LME’s both have to manage data. We cannot show indifference (or be negligent) towards data management. It is a mandatory management process. Why? Because managing data is fundamental to any business operation. How you capture data, store it, manage it, analyze it, share it, understand it and decide on it can be a …

Power of Managing Data: Read More »

The Power of 5….P’s

Passion + People + Product + Promotion + Pragmatic = POWER Alright, align them or inline them how you want to. It doesn’t matter. However, these 5P’s are energy to generate the POWER (Finances/Profit/ Empower) for organizations. Passion: Without passion, there is no objective. There is no idea or innovation to build on. People: To …

The Power of 5….P’s Read More »