

Paradise of peace

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. –Buddha This beautiful quote is from Buddha. From my understanding I see it this way. That this says peace is within you. Hence, first search for it inside you in order to seek it. Rather than start seeking for it here and there. What is inside …

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Power of Managing Data:

SME and LME’s both have to manage data. We cannot show indifference (or be negligent) towards data management. It is a mandatory management process. Why? Because managing data is fundamental to any business operation. How you capture data, store it, manage it, analyze it, share it, understand it and decide on it can be a …

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The Power of 5….P’s

Passion + People + Product + Promotion + Pragmatic = POWER Alright, align them or inline them how you want to. It doesn’t matter. However, these 5P’s are energy to generate the POWER (Finances/Profit/ Empower) for organizations. Passion: Without passion, there is no objective. There is no idea or innovation to build on. People: To …

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One best Quality a leader can have

This is contagious. If you make one employee happy the happiness spreads. All you will have is one happy family. Everyone starts respecting you. This bonds everyone. Everyone starts working for you.

Power of Silence

Everyone in the house was excited about this trip. They were all going to visit Himalayas. They’ve asked me number of times to come along. But I said I cannot. Because, of an important project deadline in office. But my nephew kept on asking me why I cannot come for the trip. I could see …

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