

Power of the Lotus Sutra: 6 Things to Know About the Lotus Mantra

The Power of Lotus The Power of Lotus You are the most sacred blossom on earth You are magnetically hypnotized bloom You are an epitome to enlightenment You are a symbol for spirituality You are characteristic for a strong conviction You are representative to many religious cultures You bloom in murky river waters And, every …

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Power of Supreme Consciousness

Power of Supreme Consciousness What is consciousness? Conscious is awareness. Conscious is being in a mindful state.  Consciousness is omnipresent.  Having consciousness is omnipotent. Every individual is born with consciousness. We are defined by consciousness.  Consciousness is present intrinsically (within ourselves) and extrinsically (outer being/world) in the universe. For individuals consciousness may end with our …

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Power of Product Analysis

In India, there is a difference in the quality of healthcare provided between rural and urban areas as well as between public and private.

Why health insurance products are not able to penetrate the market as expected in India?


Power of Product Pricing

Providing your products with choices, options and freedom along with product price that might add value to the customers in the products you are providing.

Power of peace

Any kind of wound (emotional) should be let go. Connect to your inner self. Heal it (whatever you are going through), feel it (sense and let go of that situation) and welcome the peace into you.


Heart with peace

The impact of hurt (pain) on us and our reaction and action towards the hurt is relative to how near and dear we are to each other.


Angry Meter Vs Peace

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. –Ralph Waldo Emerson This beautiful quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson. My understanding from this is that if you are angry for one hour we will be losing our peace of mind for 3600 seconds and if we are angry …

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Paradise of peace

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. –Buddha This beautiful quote is from Buddha. From my understanding I see it this way. That this says peace is within you. Hence, first search for it inside you in order to seek it. Rather than start seeking for it here and there. What is inside …

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Power of Managing Data:

SME and LME’s both have to manage data. We cannot show indifference (or be negligent) towards data management. It is a mandatory management process. Why? Because managing data is fundamental to any business operation. How you capture data, store it, manage it, analyze it, share it, understand it and decide on it can be a …

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