
An Argument On A Winter Night

(In a Dancing Den: Two friends dining out)

Her: Hey…I think…I feel like dancing….

Her Friend: Are you sure you want to go dancing?….. I mean with all that pain…

Her: I want to wash my brain….feel fresh again…

Friend: ha…ok…I’ll be here….

Her: You can join me….

Friend: No…I am not feeling like dancing today…go ahead…I’ll be watching (smile)

(She walked towards the dance floor)

She started to dance and is stepping to the beats

She slowly immersed into the beats

Dancing away into the rhythms of music

She is ….stepping, stepping, stepping

Stepping in…stepping out… stepping out… stepping in…

Stepping out…stepping in… stepping in…stepping out….

Stepping out… stepping out… stepping in… stepping in…

(in her mind)

Oh, baby….why did you say that?

Why did you say that?

You know it hurts…baby….it hurts

It hurts deep, deep in my heart….

I know you did not mean it….

But sometimes it hurts me…baby

It hurts deep, deep in my heart….

you used your words like a knife 

piercing my heart so deep

Stirring my heart and mind

And, I am going crazy….baby,

Here I am dancing out

Like a cracked up nut

With a broken heart

And, I don’t know when I will stop it

Stepping in…stepping out… stepping out… stepping in…

Stepping out…stepping in… stepping in…stepping out….

Stepping out… stepping out… stepping in… stepping in…

Baby you rock…. baby…you rock

Baby you rock…baby you rock

Baby…remember you are a pearl

You are unique…..just like others

Rock it…Rock it…Rock it….

No one can say anything about you

You just rock…rock it…rock it….

Baby you rock…. baby…you rock

Baby you rock…baby you rock

Stepping in…stepping out… stepping out… stepping in…

Stepping out…stepping in… stepping in…stepping out….

Stepping out… stepping out… stepping in… stepping in…

Remember this Baby…..

No one can say anything about you

Baby…remember you are a pearl

You are unique…..just like others

You just rock…rock it…rock it….

Baby you rock…. baby…you rock

Baby you rock…baby you rock

You just rock it…rock it…rock it….

CopyRights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Friend: HEY….Just STOP it…you will die dancing. You are dancing out like a mad monkey….

Friend: Come… let us go…I’ll drop you….

(They both walked towards the car)

Friend: What was that about?

Her: (Silence)

Friend: You know…I want to see you like that girl who giggles away…giggly girl….

Her: (Silence)

Friend: Once exactly I was in your situation and you told me the same things and you took care of me…do you remember that?

Her: Yeah…I know….how are you both getting along?

Friend: We are rocking on. We do have some emotional mismatch sometimes ….but we are going on together….

Her: Hmm…

Friend: Here we are….at your home…shall I check on you tomorrow…

Her: Why? I might be stupid…but not that stupid. (haha). Thanks for asking though.

Friend: Ah…finally you laughed…I am happy to see that…Ok…I’ll call you tomorrow….Take care. Good Night.

Her: Good Night.

(She was about to enter the house…her mobile rang)

Him: Hey…I am so sorry…I shouldn’t have said what I said in the morning….

Her: Oh…you are saying sorry now … after 16 hours of the day went by…

Him: I called you in the evening… twice…but you did not answer…..

Her: You should have left me a message or voice message…

Him: Baby….I was busy from the morning with meetings… and you might be with your work too ….that is the reason I called you in the evening.

Her: I went to the Dancing Den with my friend in the evening. Now tell me….saying something and apologizing later …..Do you think that is fair?

Him: No…that is not fair baby…I agree with you on that…

Her: If you agree with it…you can also tell me what we can do now?

Him: Baby…I am sorry… other than that I don’t have anything to say…you tell me…what is the punishment?

Her: Haha…punishment…

Him: Ah…glad you laughed …you know that is like music to my ears …

Her: Oh…you are buttering me up now …..

Him: No…it is the truth….you are my kuchi…kuchi… always

Her: Oh….just shut up now… you are overdoing it…

Him: Baby… you punish me if I tell the truth….you punish me if I tell something out of context that is not the truth or right….

Her: Hmm…that seems like valid reasoning.

Him: Baby….I only know….Hmm…I cannot tell you in words…but…you know what…just give me that punishment whatever you want…but I am sorry…

Her: Umm…let me think what punishment…….now…you did the wrong and I have to invent punishment for you….

Him: Please don’t give me the same old boring punishment….

Her: Aha…….I cannot imagine you asking for a choice here…. I don’t think you have a choice …this time you need some big punishment….the thing that you dread the most….

Him: Please no dancing…..please…

Her: That’s it…..done you have to dance…

Him: I guess I …should have not opened my mouth…

Her: Alright…you have chosen your own dreaded punishment yourself….

Him: You know baby….I will never say again what I’ve said today in my life….

Her: Good. Because I went through so much pain you know….You don’t understand that part. (Pouted).  

Him: Baby…I understand….

Him: Now tell me what songs?

Her: Nice way…trying to distract me from the topic….same old songs….because you cannot dance to a fast beat anyway…..one is Lobo and the other is  Paul Anka.

Him: Hmm…why do you like those same old songs?

Her: Some nostalgia lingers around those songs…my Dad used to listen….

Him: ok….I’ll be there on the weekend.

Her:  Now…eat well. Sleep well.

Him: Sure…..

Her: Hmm….more two more days…( with sad voice)

Him: Hey…look at it this way…just 48 hours I will be there….

Her: Umm…

Him: Now…I know….you…will…cry…don’t cry…it is just not worth it….forget what happened today…Love you…

Her: Umm…Take care…Good Night.

Him: Good night…

(Next Morning)

Friend: Hey giggly girl, just called to see how you are?

Her: Getting ready along with Morning dancing….

Friend: Haha…

Her: Hey, why don’t you come over in the evening….I’ll prepare your favorite Paneer Pizza for you?

Friend: woo…ok…sure.

Her: See you in the evening….bye.

Friend: Bye…

Note: This is A Fictional Conversation