Animal Farm by George Orwell (one of the best book to read now in 2020)

Why anyone should read this book Animal Farm by George Orwell now in October 2020?

Though the Animal Farm stage is set (November 1943 – February 1944), it was a satirical allegory aiming on the Stalinism (in Russia). This Animal Farm book ambiance is so relevant to the present day situations where our liberty, justice and equality are tested again and again in our societies and countries under the cover of socio-political systems.

This book Animal Farm communicates and connects with the present day communities more than ever.

Remains our great satire of the darker face of modern history.” – Malcolm Bradbury

Know that the books that I recommend here are read by me and I only recommend those books that are really interesting to me and also that might be interesting and thought-provoking  to the audience ( I try my best in this regard). Mostly I recommend those books that have review ratings of four or more than four stars out of five stars.

Now, let us go through my short summary on the book Animal Farm by George Orwell.

This book Animal Farm highlights how humans crave for freedom. In this book, humans have been cleverly camouflaged as animals. As humans how we collectively fight with an idealism to achieve a fair-free society for all. Where, we as humans yearn for liberty, equality, justice and advancement for human kind.

And, once as we achieve the freedom we all desired for or yearned for, might not be that appealing after all. And, in the end how we are all trapped into a feigned freedom called deceptive pseudo-democratic political systems. Animal Farm comes with very few pages to read but leaves us with a very lasting impressive message on our thoughts.

In my opinion Animal Farm by George Orwell is a must read book for every human.

Let me further share my understanding of the book Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Animal Farm is very cleverly written short and sharp satirical comedy fable that starts in an animal Manor farm.

Where, these imaginary animals are oppressed by their master and who are on the lookout for the freedom from their master. Once they achieve the autonomy from their master they start to have their own rules. As the time goes by these rules are slowly changed by self-proclaimed leaders for their convenience.

“All Animals are equal but some are more equal than the others” –Animal Farm

The Manor farm is a society that consists of various animals that are diverse and divisive like horses, pigs, hens, donkeys and many more. Horses, that works hard. Hens, that produce eggs. Donkeys, that live long and does the work without a word uttered. While some pigs take over and self-declare as the leaders of the Manor Farm.

While all these animals craving for their independence devotedly participate in progression of their Manor farm.

Rest I leave here to the reader’s imagination….. 

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George Orwell Books :

Burmese Days
A Clergyman’s Daughter
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Coming up For Air
Nineteen Eighty Four (1984)
Drown and Out in Paris and London
The Road to Wigan Pier
Homage to Catalonia

George Orwell: Complete and Unabridged

Animal Farm, Burmese Days, A Clergyman’s Daughter, Coming Up for Air, Keep the Aspidistra, Nineteen Eighty-Four