
Power of Pearls: 6 Beautiful Quotes on Pearls

Power of Pearls:

Since childhood like everyone (like most) I used to love pearls. Pearls were always special to me. Pearls are something beautiful to look, feel and wear.  Not only that every pearl has a story.  It is fascinating the way they are born.

Pearls are born deep down in oceans, inside an oyster and come out as a precious beautiful baby. Baby because no two pearls are identical in nature like humans. Each pearl is distinct. Each pearl has its own exquisiteness, charm, appeal, shape and size.

A natural pearl is formed when an irritant (or a worm or parasite) enters into a particular species of oyster, mussels or clams in sea water or freshwater.

And, the mollusk as a defense mechanism secretes a fluid coat (called nacre) on the irritant, depositing layer by layer until a thick shimmering pearl is formed. The irritant or worm or parasite, to transform into pearl can take somewhere around minimum 3 years to maximum 7 years.

Pearls are special, because pearls are the only precious gems that come out from a living creature.

These days’ more than natural, pearls are cultivated or produced through culturing or imitation.  Cultured pearls have some form of natural feeling to it since these are produced from mussel or clams through farming. That can take around 6 months to 3 years to form the pearls.

Natural or cultivated, pearls have an allure and aura around it.

Our personality grandeur is correlated to the pearls we have in our lives.

Precious Blue Pearl

Precious Blue Pearl

One day a pearl came into my life from across the oceans

I never knew from where or how it reached me

Like any other pearl I kept it in my chest of pearls

Unknowingly, I stringed this pearl into my chain of pearls

But, there was something, something with this pearl

I felt, among all the pearls it was charming

When I wore it, everyone noticed

Everyone said, hey that is a beautiful blue pearl

I felt nice, I was happy…

The blue pearl was radiant, irresistible

This blue pearl captured my heart

Soon the blue pearl became a special pearl to me

One day, my string of pearls softly slipped on the ground  

Each pearl gently pounded, rolled and flooded   

Slowly, ardently I collected each one of them carefully

But, I noticed my blue pearl was missing

I searched and searched for the blue pearl

Every possible place I can search for

My heart was sad, my soul ached for the blue pearl

All I could think of is about this blue pearl

Again and again I hunted for it again and again

Madly, I looked for the blue pearl everywhere…

And, there was no sight of my blue pearl

Whispered to myself how much I miss this blue pearl

Days went by, weeks gone by

Then one day, in a corner

The blue pearl simply appeared from no where

I rushed towards the blue pearl,

I just held the blue pearl tightly in my palms

Clasped, I kissed my blue pearl

Holding my blue pearl tender fondly tears rolled by

Now, I know how precious my beautiful blue pearl is

This time I safely, locked my precious blue pearl in my heart, forever

Never to let fall again, never to let slip again


6 Beautiful Quotes on Pearls  

1. A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl. –Stephen Hoeller

Pearls are formed when oysters are invaded by other creatures like worms or parasites.

In order to protect from these invasions the oysters releases a certain kind of fluid as a self-defense mechanism depositing the fluid called nacre on those creatures. And only after 3 to 7 years a beautiful pearl is formed from this process.      

In our life too, unless we experience chaos or some kind of wounds invade us one cannot understand the process of life and produce or see the possessions of the life’s rewards (pearls) in our life.

2. All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster’s autobiography. – Frederico Fellini

Since each oyster produces its own pearl that is unique (Since, no two pearls are identical). This means that pearl is an autobiography of that oyster.

And, similarly each individual’s art or unique thought is an honest distinct autobiography of that individual.  

3. The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths, it has its pearls too. – Vincent Van Gogh

As a person, in our hearts we all have challenges to fight with, we have difficulties to face with and at the same time deep down in our hearts we have some surprising beautiful treasures stored in our lives.  

4. True beauty is measured by the number of pearls within you, not around your neck.    — Suzy Kassem

The true beauty or our value is measured by our inner treasures and richness (pearls) one has within us.

Rather than simply wearing a pearl ornament as a decoration around our necks don’t measure up in measuring our beauty.

5. Real friendship, like real poetry, is extremely rare and precious as a pearl.  — Tahar Ben Jelloun

Real friendships are extremely rare and those are as precious as a real poetry or real pearl.

Because, poetry and pearl has their own distinctiveness and aura surrounded.

Since poetry is written by an individual with his/her taste and flair and each pearl is born unique from an oyster forming its shape, size and charm that are different from other pearls.

Similarly, real friendships are rare like poetry and as precious as a real pearl that takes minimum 3 years to 7 years to form into a beautiful pearl. 

6.Those who look for seashells will find sea shells; those who open them will find pearls

This proverb origin is from age old Indian wisdom. Those who search for something superficially might only get what they are looking for. But one who dares and dives deeper might obtain precious knowledge or wisdom.

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