
Power of the Lotus Sutra: 6 Things to Know About the Lotus Mantra

The Power of Lotus

The Power of Lotus

You are the most sacred blossom on earth

You are magnetically hypnotized bloom

You are an epitome to enlightenment

You are a symbol for spirituality

You are characteristic for a strong conviction

You are representative to many religious cultures

You bloom in murky river waters

And, every night you submerge into muddy waters

Again, every morning you re-bloom without a residue of mud on you

Unaffected by the surroundings reviving as beautiful as before

You are worshiped for the purity, resilience, compassion and wisdom

You are the throne for many gods and goddesses  

Your every fragment is used in many ways by the world

You are holy mahaprasad (sacred gift) offered to us by the universe

You are the revered jewel of the heart

You are deeply entrenched into our minds 

And, with deep respect, I bow to you

 In my heart, I worship you

Through my eyes, I adore you

With my lips, I kiss you

For all this, I thank you for being born on this universe


Lotus Mantra ( Lotus Sutra)

Meaning of Lotus Mantra (Sanskrit):

Aum: A cosmic sound or mystical syllable or spiritual symbol or Omkara from Upanishads, India

Mani: Jewel or bead or precious gem

Padme:  Lotus flower

Hum: Spirit of enlightenment/universe/heart/wisdom

6 things to know about Lotus Mantra (Lotus Sutra):

1.The lotus is a very powerful representative in Hindu and Buddhist religions and culture.

2. This Lotus mantra is written in Sanskrit.

3. Tibetan Buddhist constantly recites this Lotus mantra so that one can attain liberation with enlightenment.  

4. This Lotus mantra is condensed form of all the Buddhist teachings (eighty four thousand Dharmas). Hence, it is called “the grain of rice of the Mahayana”.

5. The part of the lotus mantra “manipadme” as in Sanskrit is understood in locative case (grammatically) as “Jewel in the Lotus” 

6. There is lot or many interpretations (that are unclear to me) surrounding this Lotus mantra in Buddhism.

My interpretation of this Lotus Mantra: 

Since, Lotus mantra is called “the grain of rice of the Mahayana” and this is an expression for all eighty four thousand Dharmas that are present in Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra, my interpretation (understanding) is that, here the whole of Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra is referred to as precious lotus. And, reciting this Lotus mantra means reciting the eighty four dharmas at a time.

And, here are my interpretations on Lotus Mantra (Lotus Sutra):

“Lotus (Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra), is the jewel of the universe” or

“Lotus (Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra), is the jewel or seed for enlightenment” or

“Lotus (Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra), is the jewel of heart (compassion)” or

“Lotus (Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra), is the jewel of wisdom”


Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra (jewel) in the lotus”


7 thoughts on “Power of the Lotus Sutra: 6 Things to Know About the Lotus Mantra”

    1. I do not follow Arhatic yoga Sanil.

      Arhatic Yoga mostly teaches or is based on the Pranic healing. I follow the Ramakrishna Mission (Matt) Yoga practices and its spiritual philosophy. That said, I do welcome and learn any spiritual teachings that really helps me in my inner evolution.

      1. Oh great. Agree with you. Anything which can help for self realization is good..
        As I saw the article on Lotus Sutra, I clarified. Btb, even Lotus sutra does not belong to only specific ones. It’s universal 🙏

        Nice to know about your spiritual practices. Thanks.

        1. Hi Sanil, Thank you.

          Completely agree with you that this Sanskrit Lotus Mantra is universal.

          This Sanskrit mantra “Manipadme hum” meaning (many interpretations are offered) is nothing but comparing precious jewel with a lotus flower in the universe or lotus as a precious jewel in the universe or precious (jewel) within the lotus flower. Hence, this is universal mantra.

          However, in Tibetan Buddhism this Sanskrit mantra is pervasive and very popular that is chanted by everyone. This is so widespread and integrated into their lives and surroundings. This mantra is seen on carved rocks or painted on hills or it is also seen on prayer flags and prayer wheels. Moreover, as I mentioned on the blog that this Sanskrit Lotus mantra is denoted as the condensed form of the entire Buddhist teachings (eighty four thousand Dharmas).

          Thank you.

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