
A Conversation At The Beach

A Conversation At The Beach

Sitting at the beach on a Sunday evening

As I was watching the beautiful sunset

My heart was silently crooning to the waves 

Suddenly I heard a voice, asking me…hey why are you so silent?

Jolted, I asked, What? Who is this?

The voice said, hey I am your heart 

I said laughing, oh…yeah, nice meeting you

My heart laughed and said, sometimes you are so boring

I said, is it? I did not know that

You tell me what you want me to do to make you happy?

My heart asked, why don’t you do some rap today?

I said, nah…nah…nah…I did not write any rap verses in my life

My heart said, why don’t you try today, I’ll help you if you want to

I said, hmm…let me think…



I pouted and said, you know I am not able to think…any rap to rap

My heart said, hmm…let me see what we can do

Let me give you some ideas, maybe you can rap on love

I said, nah…nah…nah…not on love, you know my love is far

And, I miss my love…I only get sad words

Hmm…let us choose something else, like something fun

My heart said, ok…done, let us rap it…baby

I said you know…I am rapping for the first time, so be nice

My heart said, as you say baby…let us rap…let us rap…baby



Let Us Rap

Common baby

Common baby

You and I

Let us learn to rap today

Let us learn to rap today

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Let us rap it, map it, slap it

Let us shape it, sharp it, shake it baby

So, you think we can rap and wrap?

Let us rap something to dope a little

Let us smoke some words to choke a while baby

So, do you think we can punch it, crunch it, munch it?

Let us do some rapping with words while lapping out

Let us do some slapping with lyrics while wrestling with words baby

So, do you think we can hack it, track it, pack it?

Common baby

Common baby

You and I

Let us rap today

Let us rap today

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Let us write it, rap it, shout it 

Let us slang it, sling it, slant it baby 

While using our words as swords

Let us muse in our words to rapt ourselves

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby 

Let us rap today

Let us rap today

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Rap…rap…rap…rap it…baby

Copyrights @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti

Hmm…do you think that was even rap?

My heart said, haha…you know, I liked it that was nice

I laughed and said, thank you for helping me out 

My heart said, anytime anything for you

I laughed…sitting there at the beach

Looking at the Moon and twinkling stars

While the roaring waves waving at me

I thought, what a beautiful night to be here…