
Beautiful Night

Beautiful Night

(This is a slow beat)

Oh…beautiful night

Oh…beautiful night

Oh…beautiful night

What a night

What a night

That was

Under the umbrella of a dark blue sky

On that scintillating star-filled night

While the half Moon peeking through the clouds

While the slow flute of breeze blowing 

While the waves of music playing from the Ocean

While the sudden lightning flashed in the night

While the lion of thunder roared in that silence

While the rain, rain rained in our hearts

While the night immersed heart to heart  

While all the trees bathed in that night’s rain

While all the flora tired for the night 

While they lay there on this bed of Earth

While I slept in solace in the arms of this night 

Oh…beautiful night

Oh…beautiful night

Oh…beautiful night

What a magnificent night

What a magnificent night            

That was

Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

What a magnificent night

What a magnificent night 

That was




Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

What a magnificent night

What a magnificent night 

That was

A beautiful night, A beautiful night  

While in trance with this beautiful night

Where I cherished every moment 

Every sacred moment with that night 

Every sacred moment with that night

What a night

What a night

That was

Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

Oh…my beautiful

What a magnificent night

What a magnificent night 

That was



