My Heart is Slipping
We are most alive when we are in love. —John Updike
Oh…My my my
My heart is slipping
This morning
As I am running from
Here to there
There to here
There is magic
This morning mist is
Like playing peekaboo
With the nature
And, this charming Sun’s
Rays are embracing me
With all the warmth
And, these mystic colors are
Showering blessings
On this Earth
Oh…My my my
My heart is slipping
What a wonder is this
On this Earth!
Oh…My my my
My heart is slipping
Oh…My my my
I am falling in love
Oh…My my my
Any love can change us
How we see this world!
Oh…My my my
My heart is slipping
This morning
As I am running from
Here to there
There to here
There is magic
Copyright @ Empower Now Blog – Suparna Guddanti