5 Reasons why Social Media apps are changing us and chasing you and me?
Today Social media App’s are everywhere. Unless they are caught they are right in their own way of doing business. We never know what algorithm they use.
Sometimes those algorithms might do good for us sometimes they might not. We all know that businesses work for profit. Otherwise they have to shut their shops (die down).
So why the Social Media app’s are prospering with people? Even though it looks like lot of them are leaving.
Let us see the five reasons here...
Who has given the authority to these social media apps? We (Us). Yes, the answer is we.
Who spoils (pampers) social media? You and me…
Who sits on social media day and night? We..
Who acts like a mob on social media? We the dumb heads…
Who is at fault? We. Yes we.
Sorry to reveal this to you but it is not their algorithms.
Nope. Social media (algorithms) is not the problem.
Problem is we. Public. Simply you, me and we all . We the users.
Who is making billions? Them.. Social media App holders and businesses. Not you and me. (This is important to remember)
Why Social Media has became authoritative in our lives?
Because, Any new social media app… we immediately jump into it…latch onto it.
The party inside the house is free. So anything that is free is sold out. Like mass hysteria.
We die to give our information to get into these free house party of Social media apps.
So we join happily and start tagging and stalking each other. Otherwise we feel we are left out. After the party is over we blame that they have robbed our data. They are manipulating with it. So partially we are responsible for the social media to thrive.
Imagine someone is providing 24/7 Ice-cream and telling eat all you can just pay $1.00. Since, it doesn’t cost me much. So let me enjoy it.
And, you sit there licking the Ice-cream day and night. And, because of that you become a fat headed. Here, blaming the Ice-cream vendor doesn’t do any good. It is our responsibility too not to sit there day and night and eat irresponsibly.
Why Businesses Chase us on these Social Media Apps?
Social media is open 24/7. And, Businesses use those social media platforms because you are available all the time 24/7. We made it very convenient for the businesses. They provide you with user made content (that is you and me) videos, content, likes, favorites for free.
Ah! we all the sheep’s at one place. Confined and fenced. What a feast. So businesses profit making minds starts to think why not sell something to these. So they bombard (feed) you with advertisements. They will hunt you down until you fell for their algorithms. Again and again they remind you. One time or few times you may escape.
Until one day our emotions are trapped to click that buy button the algorithms will hunt you. In this chase, Businesses are minting. While your (our) wallet is punctured. With just hitting that buy me button.
Yes, completely agree that organizations need to have social responsibility at the same time we too need to have that responsibility.
And, don’t forget that we have beautiful brains. So use it, and cleverly think how not to use those social media apps. When to say enough is enough. For all purposes like from political opinions to purchasing power to social responsibility.
The power is in your hands. Use it wisely.
Final Takeaway
It is not just the social media responsibility to behave responsibly. Even from our side we need to have responsible thinking and behavior. What to take, what to leave, what to tweet. what not to tweet.
Don’t give them the authority to rule your brains or you. You rule the social media not the other way round.
I am not a fan of social media apps. I keep my distance. If you too for some reason don’t like those apps or if sometimes it makes you depressed keep away from it.
Use it cleverly. Ignore the rest.
Be consciously responsible for you.
If bars are open 24/7 and if we sit in those bars 24/7 whose fault it is?
Remember this…any businesses ultimate motive always is to make profit while hooking you with their highest services.
We all love innovation. Let them innovate. Only thing to remember is to be responsible rather than freely falling for it flatly.
Who is responsible? Think?